Actuals Meaning


Actuals definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Budget vs Actuals Budget - an estimate of revenues and expenses for an account for a fiscal year. Actuals - the actuals reflect how much revenue an account has actually generated or how much money an account has paid out in expenditures at a given point in time during a fiscal year. During the annual budget process prior to next fiscal year, your department submits a budget in FAMIS. Actual is an adjective meaning ‘true’, ‘real’ and ‘the thing in itself’. It does not refer to time. Burning program for mac. Bluestacks 3. Actual always comes immediately before the noun it is describing: Actually as a discourse marker. Whether the data values for the mode pertain directly to the time period in which they are stored (e.g. Actuals for the particular day, week or month), or to the end of a longer time interval (e.g. The latest forecast for the current quarter or the next year end) We call the latter type of mode a “period end” mode. Actual definition, existing in act or fact; real: an actual case of heroism; actual expenses.

ACTUAL. Real; actual.
2. Actual notice. One which has been expressly given by which knowledge of a fact has been brought home to a party directly ; it is opposed to constructive notice.
3. Actual admissions. Iphone 5 istore. Those which are expressly made; they are plenary or partial. 4 Bouv. Inst. n. 4405.
4. An actual escape takes place when a prisoner in fact gets out of prison, and unlawfully regains his liberty. Vide Escape.

Actuals Meaning Accounting

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Actuals Meaning

A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.