Portrait Illustration Maker is a service which provides character icons completely free of charge! They are available for your blog site or SNS. If you’d like to save the completed avatar, right-click on the icon. Came here to find a tbc icicle addon, but it appears that the one you put on the list is the one ive been seeing everywhere; it is for cata.
Click here to return to the 'Securely empty trash via AppleScript after 'n' days' hint |
Trash Tier Dungeon
You can simplify the script and eliminate the need to have a newly trashed file as the trigger. Strip the script down so that it securely empties older files and does nothing else. Then, go to automator, make a new action, insert the AppleScript, and save it as an iCal plugin. Go to iCal and set it up as a daily recurring event at 3 am, for example. (You can do this without Automator, but I prefer plugin links to application links.) Your x-day old trash will be securely emptied daily (or whatever interval you choose in iCal.)
You can do this with other tasks. I have metered satellite internet, but the period from 1 am to 6 am is unmetered. I schedule large downloads (such as OS X updates) and bittorrent downloads using AppleScript and iCal.
I retract the above comment and add a warning.
I did not parse the script thoroughly. The script changes the modification date of every trashed file to the time of trashing.
WARNING: Changing the modification date is not a great idea for most files. For example, the modification data of an application or plug-in helps you know how old it is. If you accidentally trash it and then put it back, the modification date will be today, not two years ago. Some programs scan modification dates to see if the app or plug-in needs updating; such programs will be misled.
I recommend another approach. Create a text file for the Trash. Use a Folder Action Applescript to record the name of each file and the date it was trashed. At regular intervals, read the text file, find the files old enough for Trashing, see which ones are in the trash, and delete (or secure delete) them. Amend the trash file to include only what's now in the Trash. That should do it.
So you advocate engineering a whole new 'Trash' schema, just because you consider throwing a file in the trash doesn't constitute 'modifying' it?
Fair enough; each to their own.
Trash Timeline Game
I don't believe this script works as described.
The script uses the date/time of the last modification to the file to determine whether it qualifies for deletion. The script does not use the date/time when the file was thrown away (i.e., put in the trash) to determine whether it qualifies for deletion.
Putting something in the trash does not alter the modification date/time.
So you could put something in the trash and find it permanently gone if it's been a while since you modified it.
I don't know AppleScript but I do know UNIX. Perhaps the modification time works differently under AppleScript. So, can anyone verify or challenge my claim?
This isn't a PC. Stop using the Trash as a storage locker. CMD+SHIFT+delete is as simple to use as SHIFT+delete.
Nonsense. Use the Trash as a storage locker if you want. It's clearly designed to store files until you want, or must, delete them.
Thanks, though, for the keyboard shortcut reminder. I like knowing about those.