Evernote Rest Api


  1. Evernote Rest Api Login
  2. In Evernote
  3. Evernote Rest Api Download
  4. How To Use Evernote

The Evernote SDK for iOS The purpose of this guide is describing how to download, install and configure the Evernote iOS SDK to work with your iOS application. Top applications for mac. If all goes well, this should take 10. Everything you need to know when working with the Evernote API. The documentation is organized into three major areas: Our Quick-start guides will show you how to install and configure the Evernote SDK for your chosen language or platform. The topical Articles describe individual concepts or functions used when interacting with the Evernote API.


Microsoft Graph lets your app get authorized access to a user's OneNote notebooks, sections, and pages in a personal or organization account. With the appropriate delegated or application permissions, your app can access the OneNote data of the signed-in user or any user in a tenant.

Root URL

The OneNote service root URL uses the following format for all calls to the OneNote API.

The version segment in the URL represents the version of Microsoft Graph that you want to use:

  • v1.0 is for stable production code.
  • beta is to try out a feature that's in development. Features and functionality in the beta endpoint might change; we don't recommend that you use it in your production code.

The location can be user notebooks on Microsoft 365 or consumer OneDrive, group notebooks, or SharePoint site-hosted team notebooks on Microsoft 365.

User notebooks


Evernote Rest Api Login

To access personal notebooks on consumer OneDrive or OneDrive for Business, use one of the following URLs:

In Evernote

  • me is for OneNote content that the current user can access (owned and shared).
  • users/{id} is for OneNote content that the specified user (in the URL) has shared with the current user. Use the users API.

Note:You can get user IDs by making a GET request on https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users.

Group notebooks

To access notebooks that are owned by a group, use the following service root URL:

SharePoint site notebooks


Evernote Rest Api Download

To access notebooks that are owned by a SharePoint team site, use the following service root URL: Mac laptops apple.

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How To Use Evernote

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