

Slack Notification to Private Channels

Missing_text_or_fallback_or_attachments Slack

のリクエストに失敗しました(エラー: 400)。サーバー応答の一部: missingtextorfallbackorattachments(応答の全文を見るには muteHttpExceptions オプションを使用してください)(行 15、ファイル「コード」) UrlFetchApp.fetch (url, options); 試したこと. のリクエストに失敗しました(エラー: 400)。サーバー応答の一部: missingtextorfallbackorattachments(応答の全文を見るには muteHttpExceptions オプションを使用してください)(行 15、ファイル「コード」) UrlFetchApp.fetch (url, options); 試したこと.


Describe your question in as much detail as possible:

I have followed the steps listed below, but want to make sure the documentation is up to date: Does the Slack notification integration still not work to private channels?


  • What are you seeing, and how does it differ from what you expect to see?

    • When testing the new integration with Webhook, the test results in response: Hook executed successfully but returned HTTP 400 missing_text_or_fallback_or_attachments
  • Consider including screenshots, error messages, and/or other helpful visuals

  • What version are you on (Hint: /help) ? and are you using self-managed or gitlab.com?

  • What troubleshooting steps have you already taken? Can you link to any docs or other resources so we know where you have been?