I’ve recently started learning Angular 5. Best free pdf reader for mac. As part of putting together an application as practice, I found myselfneeding to write a brief help page to describe to users how to use the application and what the various buttonsmean. I could’ve done this in pure-HTML but I find Markdown far easier to read and maintain.
Angular is a platform for building mobile and desktop web applications. Join the community of millions of developers who build compelling user interfaces with Angular. The Markdown Guide Matt Cone download Z-Library. Download books for free. Markdown-it demo. Fork me on GitHub. Markdown syntax: Syntax file for Markdown text-to-HTML language. A syntax file for the Markdown text-to-HTML tool http://daringfireball.net/projects/. Markdown is automatically rendered to html GitHub but can easily be parsed into a variety of other formats including PDF and LaTex.
Whilst numerous libraries already exist to convert Markdown to HTML, I couldn’t find an Angular directive toprovide Markdown to HTML conversion for Angular components. Using the marked, I knockedtogether a quick Attribute Directive to wrap this together.
The directive is as below - the only dependency is the marked
library which can be installed with:
And here is the full source code. Free mac security software.
Though we access the content of the tagged element using the nativeElement
, it uses Renderer2
to write changesback to the tagged element. Writing to the DOM using an ElementRef
is discouraged and using Renderer2
is preferredas described in the angular.io core documentation.
See the below StackBlitz project for an example of its usage.
So, I’ve managed to successfully add a third property, called pubdate, to the MainController.js. But when I try to display that property via an expression in index.html, I keep getting the error message “did you display the pubdate?”.
Here’s what I wrote in MainController.js:
Best torrent apps for mac. $scope.title = ‘My First AngularJS App!’;
$scope.promo = ‘New Promotions Available Here’;
// Attach another property to $scope, named product
$scope.product =
name: ‘The Book of Trees’,
price: 19,
pubdate: new Date(‘2014’, ‘03’, ‘08’)
// add third property named pubdate
Here’s what I wrote for the view’s expression in index.html (for some reason, I can’t get the paragraph tags, nor the “date” property to display on this forum, in the following code snippet!!):
Html Markdown Link
{{ pubdate }}