Sophos Website Not Available


This page is not available if you do not have a Web Control or Web Gateway license. Note If an option is locked, global settings have been applied by your partner or Enterprise administrator. You can extend the website filtering provided by Sophos Central. Sophos stops everything malicious and provides us with alerts, so we can respond quickly—and that’s worth its weight in gold.” Cliff Hogan, CIO, D4C Dental Brands Switching to Sophos Central was a simple transition and 80% of the work was carried out within just one week.”. Sophos UTM Home Edition. This software version of the Sophos UTM Firewall features full network, web, mail and web application security, with VPN functionality, for as many as 50 IP addresses. The Sophos UTM Home Edition contains its own operating system and overwrites all data on the computer during the installation process. Sophos Firewall: How to block YouTube with a Web Policy.

You can find encryption recovery keys.

You can get a device encryption recovery key by entering a volume or recovery identifier.

Retrieve recovery key (Windows computers)

If users are unable to log in to their encrypted computer, you can get a recovery key which is used to unlock the computer. There is a recovery key for each volume of a BitLocker protected computer. It is created and backed up in Sophos Central before the computer is encrypted.

Note When Sophos Device Encryption is installed, existing BitLocker recovery keys are replaced automatically and can no longer be used.
Note Even if a policy has been disabled and the computer's Device Encryption status is shown as 'Unmanaged', you can get a recovery key if one is available.

Download it torrent. To get the recovery key, go to Computers, select the computer you want to recover, and click More > Retrieve Recovery Key. If you cannot find the computer in the list, you need the recovery key identifier or the volume identifier and use it in the recovery wizard, as follows:

  1. Tell the user to restart the computer and press the Esc key in the BitLocker logon screen.
  2. Ask the user to provide you with the information displayed in the BitLocker recovery screen.
  3. In Sophos Central, go to Computers and click More > Retrieve Recovery Key.
  4. Enter at least five characters of the recovery key identifier or the volume identifier provided by the user.
  5. Click Show Key to display the recovery key.
    Note If you enter a volume identifier, Sophos Central displays all available recovery keys for this volume. The latest recovery key is the top one.
  6. Make sure that the user is authorized to access the encrypted device before you provide the recovery key.
    Note As soon as a recovery key is displayed to you as administrator, it is marked as used and will be replaced at the next synchronization.
  7. Give the recovery key to the user.

The user can now unlock the computer. Users of computers running Windows 8 or later are prompted to create a new PIN or password. Instructions for creating the PIN or password are displayed automatically.

After the computer has been recovered, a new recovery key will be created and backed up in Sophos Central. The old one will be deleted from the computer.

Retrieve recovery key (Macs)

If users forget their login password, you can get a recovery key which is used to unlock the computer.

To get the recovery key, go to Computers, select the computer you want to recover, and click More > Retrieve Recovery Key. If you cannot find the computer in the list, you need the recovery key identifier or the volume identifier and use it in the recovery wizard, as follows: Torrent download for macbook pro.

  1. Tell the user to switch on their computer and wait until the Recovery Key ID is displayed.
    Note The recovery key ID is displayed for a short time. To display it again, users must restart their computer.
  2. Ask the user to tell you the Recovery Key ID.
  3. In Sophos Central, go to Computers and click More > Retrieve Recovery Key.
  4. Enter at least five characters of the recovery key identifier.
  5. Click Show Key to display the recovery key.
  6. Make sure that the user is authorized to access the encrypted device before you provide the recovery key.
  7. Give the recovery key to the user.
    • For users imported from Active Directory, continue to step 8.
    • For all other users, go straight to step 10.
  8. Reset the existing password in Active Directory. Then generate a preliminary password and give it to the user.
  9. Tell the user to click Cancel in the Reset Password dialog and enter the preliminary password instead.
  10. Tell the user to do as follows:
    • Create a new password.
    • Click Create New Keychain if prompted.

The user can access the computer again.

No new recovery key is created. The existing recovery key remains valid.

You need to configure the web control options to protect users and computers. There are no default options.

Note If an option is locked global settings have been applied by your partner.
Note Web control doesn't support Desktop Messaging.

Go to Endpoint Protection > Policies Mac os x 10.11 free download. to apply web control.

To set up a policy, do as follows:

  • Create a Web Control policy.
  • Open the policy's Settings tab and configure it as described below. Make sure the policy is turned on.
Additional security options

Select Additional security options to configure access to advertisements, uncategorized sites and risky downloads.

  • Block risky downloads: This option blocks risky file types, but allows advertisements and uncategorized files.
  • None: This option allows risky file types, advertisements and uncategorized files.
  • Let me specify: This allows you to set advertisements and uncategorized file types to Allow or Block.

    It also allows you to set Risky File Types to:

    • Recommended: This gives you the settings shown in the table of file types below.
    • Allow: Allows all risky file types.
    • Warn: Warns the user that a file may be risky before they can download it.
    • Block: Blocks all risky file types.
    • Let me specify: This allows you to set a number of individual file types to Allow, Warn, or Block.

Sophos Endpoint Download

Acceptable web usage

Configure Acceptable web usage settings. These control the sites that users are allowed to visit.

Choose from the following options:

  • Keep it clean: Prevents users from accessing adult and other potentially inappropriate websites.
  • Gentle guidance : Blocks inappropriate browsing and warns users before visiting website categories that may impact their productivity.
  • Conserve bandwidth: Blocks inappropriate browsing and warns users before visiting productivity-impacting websites. Blocks site categories likely to consume high bandwidth.
  • Business only: Only allows site categories that are generally business-related.
  • Let me specify: Allows you to configure individual site categories. For each group of categories (such as Productivity-related categories) you can set the behavior to Block, Warn, Allow, or Let me specify. Choosing Let me specify allows you to configure individual categories within these groups.
    Note For more control over how policy affects websites you can use the Settings > Website Management page.

For more information on how Sophos filters websites see Sophos Web Security and Control Test Site.

Protect against data loss

Select Protect against data loss to configure data loss settings.

Selecting this option allows you to choose Block data sharing, Allow data sharing, or Let me specify. Setting these options controls access to web-based email and file downloads.

Log web control events

Select Log web control events to log attempts to visit blocked websites or websites for which we display a warning.

Sophos Log In

Note If you do not enable logging, only attempts to visit infected sites will be logged.

Log web control events

Sophos software

You can put websites into your own custom categories ('tag' them) and then use a web control policy to control sites in each category.

To set this up, do as follows.

  1. In Endpoint or Server Protection, go to Settings > Website Management.
  2. Click Add.
  3. In Add Website Customization, enter a website and add a tag. You can either type in a new tag name, or select a tag you've used before (you'll see suggested tags when you start typing). Click Save.
  4. In Endpoint or Server Protection, go to Policies > Web Control and select a policy.
  5. Click the Settings tab.
  6. Turn on Control sites tagged in Website Management.
  7. Click Add New on the right of the page.
  8. In Add Website Tag, do as follows.
    • Select the website tag you created.
    • Choose the Action you want to take against websites.
    • Click Save.
  9. At the top of the policy, click Save.

Apply this web control policy at set times only

Note This option is not available in the Base policy.

Sophos Website Not Available Online

You can set times when you want to apply the policy.

Sophos Website Not Available

  1. Turn on Apply this web control policy at set times only.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Select the days and times when the policy will apply.

Sophos Xg Website Not Available

Note This option uses the local time on the computers that the policy applies to. This may not be the same as the Sophos Central administrator's local time.